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Resources for Other Challenges

Here are some resources covering common challenges that guardians experience with their cats' behavior.  If you'd like some specific guidance on your cat's challenges, don't hesitate to reach out and schedule a free inquiry call. 


Scratching is a normal cat behavior! It allows cats to stretch, slough the dead outer layer of their nails, and mark familiar spaces by depositing pheromones (don't worry you can't smell them).  Make sure to provide your cat appropriate surfaces in well-travelled areas of your home. 


This article about cat scratching from Dr. Mikel Delgado includes a discussion of current research on scratching preferences as well as practical tips to prevent furniture scratching.


Click on the graphic below for more resources from on scratching and scent communication in cats. 

Cat Scent Communication -


One of the hardest things for many cat guardians is getting their cat into a carrier and travelling with them (even just to the vet). You can train your cat to go into the carrier and make travel a less stressful experience.


Click on the graphic to the right for more resources from

Cat Travel -

Graphics on this page are by



Some cats are just more "chatty" than others. But excessive vocalizing can be a sign of an underlying issue. Before you try to address the behavior, you need to figure out what is causing it.  


If your cat suddenly begins to vocalize (e.g., meow, yowl, or growl) more than usual, get to the vet for a thorough exam and assessment for possible pain. Senior cats can also begin to vocalize more due to the onset of cognitive dysfunction. This is also something to discuss with your veterinarian if your cat is older.  


If there is no underlying medical or age-related reason, your cat may be meowing more to get your attention, to tell you he's hungry, or because he is stressed. Reach out to us for help on how to respond to what your cat might be telling you.  


Image by Erik-Jan Leusink

Make sure to check out our other resource pages for cats for more help:


New Cat Resources


Litter Box Avoidance




Body Language


Multi-Cat Households

In-person services in select Greater Boston, MA towns. 

Virtual consultations available outside of my service area. 

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